Exclusive partnership with Biohacking Conference and Dave Asprey, American Cell Technology is offering stem cell banking during the 2023 Biohacking Conference at exclusive pricing!

  • This process is a simple, outpatient procedure that is done under local anesthesia at one of our partnered medical clinics in Orlando.
  • Schedule now for exclusive early-bird pricing! Further details will be provided directly by American Cell Technology

Complete your information below, with your top two preferred dates for stem cell banking harvest. Then, one of our representatives will reach out to finalize all scheduling details.

    Stem Cell Banking at the Biohacking Conference:

    The stem cell banking process is a simple, outpatient procedure and only takes you away from the conference action for a couple short hours!

    • Signup and choose your preferred day(s) to have your personal stem cells banked with American Cell Technology in Orlando
    • ACT will reach out to you and confirm your scheduled appointment time and date. At that time, a small non-refundable deposit is collected.
    • On the day of stem cell extraction, arrive to the clinic address provided 15 – 30 minutes before your scheduled procedure.

      • All additional paperwork will be completed at the clinic ahead of time.
      • A mini-lipo extraction from the lower flank will be performed under local anesthesia in 30-45 minutes.
      • This is an outpatient procedure, and the patient is free to leave after extraction.
      • Light bruising is common but should not impede day to day activities.
      • Infectious disease screening bloodwork is recommended, but not required by patients. Options are to have blood drawn at clinic (additional charge), have blood draw done at LabCorp/Quest Diagnostics, or sign waiver at clinic
    • Once adipose (fat) is extracted, clinic will handle safely shipping to American Cell Technology for Stem Cell banking.
    • Client has access to their stem cells 6 weeks after initial extraction and can request cells through their Client Portal.

      ACT has partnerships with clinics nationally and can help provide a local clinic near you for potential stem cell therapy

    • American Cell Technology requires 3 weeks notice for stem cell requests, unless Bio-Insurance Plan is purchased. 

    Bio-Insurance Plan options allow clients to pre-pay for stem cells at a discount, have cells available within 48 hours for emergency or urgent use and allows American Cell Technology to yield the client more stem cells throughout their lifetime. More information on ACT’s Bio-Insurance Programs will be provided by our staff.

    Why Stem Cell Banking With American Cell Technology (ACT)

    With ACT, the largest personal stem cell bank in the United States, individuals can unlock the powers and benefits of personal stem cell banking as ACT provides clients:

    • Availability: To your youngest personal stem cells, with your OWN DNA throughout your life for numerous treatments. ACT's proprietary processing creates potentially billions of live stem cells available
    • On Demand Access: Stem Cell retrieval options within 48 hours for emergency or on demand requests
    • Medical Partnerships: Partnerships with leading regenerative medicine doctors nationally
    • Quality Assurance: Pure mesenchymal stem cells, with accurate live stem counts and viability (health of the cells), with your own DNA
    • Safety and Security: Controlled processing that ensures healthy cells and security knowing that your cells are stored using the latest technology and with the highest standards, in a FDA registered, cGMP facility
    Start The Stem Cell Banking Process

    Client Testimonials

    Clinical Trials Underway


    FDA approved uses to treat
    serious diseases


    Clinical trials involving
    stem cells research


    Only 1 person with your unique
    DNA (identical twins not included)

    Personal stem cell current uses

    either in clinical trials or at regenerative medicine clinics


    lower back pain, knee, hip, and shoulder arthritis, tendon or ligament damage, avoidance of joint replacement surgery


    Diabetes, Crohn’s, Rheumatoid Arthritis


    Autism, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Dementia, Multiple sclerosis, Concussions and Traumatic Brain Injury, Stroke

    Cardiology and Pulmonology:

    Heart Failure, Asthma, COPD

    Bio-Hacking and Cosmetic:

    Anti-aging and wellness, male and female sexual function, general body performance and recovery, hair restoration, skin repair

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Your own personal stem cells with your own DNA is your safest stem cell option. There is no risk of your body rejecting your cells with your own DNA or potential transmission of infectious disease when your cells are handled in a proper cGMP facility like ACT's.

    Adipose (fat) and Bone marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) are both great sources of autologous (your own) stem cells. Adipose derived MSCs do relatively little work over the course of their lives and can still be very young and robust (measured by their telomeres) well into your 80s and 90s. There are also 500 to 2,500 times more stem cells in your adipose than your bone marrow, making these cells a really attractive stem cell source for regenerative medical procedures.

    Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) are pluripotent stem cells, meaning they have the natural ability to differentiate into many other functional cell types: bone, cartilage, muscle, neural tissue, blood vessels, and more. MSCs are anti-inflammatory and can home to sites of inflammation throughout the body. MSCs also have a unique immune modulatory ability, which research has shown can help calm an overactive immune system, often associated with autoimmune conditions or cytokine storms.

    Click below to enter your details and learn more about personal stem cell banking for you or your future newborn baby. To find how you might use your own personal stem cells, inquire with your doctor to learn more and notify ACT when you're ready to receive your cells.

    Interested in banking your stem cells at the Biohacking 2023 Conference at exclusive pricing?

    With advancements in personal stem cell therapy and regenerative medicine, having access to your banked personal stem cells could be your best health policy!

    Exclusive partnership with Biohacking Conference and Dave Asprey, American Cell Technology is offering stem cell banking during the 2023 Biohacking Conference at exclusive pricing!

    • This process is a simple, outpatient procedure that is done under local anesthesia at one of our partnered medical clinics in Orlando.
    • Schedule now for exclusive early-bird pricing! Further details will be provided directly by American Cell Technology

    Complete your information below, with your top two preferred dates for stem cell banking harvest. Then, one of our representatives will reach out to finalize all scheduling details.